Friday, April 22, 2011

Soundhound - What's that song?

Sound Hound

I have had SoundHound on my phone for ages. When Shazam can out for free on the Amazon market I loaded it on my tablet played with it a few times and forgot about it because it was rather lame (bad orientation, cut of screens). Last night there was a song on the television I was trying to figure out what it was and after Shazam failed me again. So on a whim, I loaded Sound Hound and was very surprised it was tablet optimized and it works my better for me. Try it for yourself.
SoundHound includes:

  • The world's fastest music recognition: name tunes playing from a speaker in as little as four seconds - now unlimited
  • The world's only viable singing and humming recognition
  • Instant lyrics and artist info
  • Split-second Say search: just speak a title or band name to check it out
  • NEW: Unlimited IDs in this free version - get SoundHound Pro to go ad-free and enjoy more features
  • And there's more: Geotagging options, Facebook and Twitter sharing, previews, purchase links, full length YouTube videos, and your favorite artists' top songs and bios.

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